White paper, guidelines

  • Artificial intelligence prevents fraud
    A new white paper released by Nets and KPMG reviews how financial institutions can harness advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to combat card fraud much more efficiently. Fighting Fraud with a Model of Models, which is the title of the new white paper, explores the theoretical approach behind Nets Fraud Ensemble, an AI-powered anti-fraud engine developed in collaboration with KPMG. The anti-fraud engine can reduce fraudulent transactions by up to 40% on top of existing AI fraud prevention measures, for the benefit of banks, merchants and cardholders, as well as society in general. “Creating a model of models has a clear advantage: by collating both human and machine-generated information in a single framework, it can generate the most accurate ‘fraud score’ possible. When applied, this next level of fraud monitoring and prevention means banks and merchants can take a big step forward. Not only does it combat criminality, it also markedly improves the customer experience and dramatically reduces financial losses,” says Bent Dalager, Nordic Head of NewTech and Financial Services in KPMG in Denmark
  • Consultative committee of the convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data (convention 108), Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, 2019
    Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) based systems, software and devices (hereinafter referred to as AI applications) are providing new and valuable solutions to tackle needs and address challenges in a variety of fields, such as smart homes, smart cities, the industrial sector, healthcare and crime prevention. AI applications may represent a useful tool for decision making in particular for supporting evidence-based and inclusive policies. As may be the case with other technological innovations, these applications may have adverse consequences for individuals and society. In order to prevent this, the Parties to Convention 108 will ensure and enable that AI development and use respect the rights to privacy and data protection (article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights), thereby enhancing human rights and fundamental freedoms. These Guidelines provide a set of baseline measures that governments, AI developers, manufacturers, and service providers should follow to ensure that AI applications do not undermine the human dignity and the human rights and fundamental freedoms of every individual, in particular with regard to the right to data protection. Nothing in the present Guidelines shall be interpreted as precluding or limiting the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights and of Convention 108. These Guidelines also take into account the new safeguards of the modernised Convention 108 (more commonly referred to as “Convention 108+”)
  • Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI, Commissione Europea, 2019
  • Key drivers and research challenges for 6G ubiquitous wireless intelligence, 2020
    As fifth generation (5G) research is maturing towards a global standard, the research community has started to focus on the development of beyond-5G solutions and the 2030 era, i.e. 6G. In the future, our society will be increasingly digitised, hyper-connected and globally data driven. Many widely anticipated future services will be critically dependent on instant, virtually unlimited wireless connectivity. Mobile communication technologies are expected to progress far beyond anything seen so far in wireless-enabled applications, making everyday lives smoother and safer while dramatically improving the efficiency of businesses. 6G is not only about moving data around — it will become a framework of services, including communication services where all user-specific computation and intelligence may move to the edge cloud. The white paper presents key drivers, research requirements, challenges and essential research questions related to 6G. The focus is on societal and business drivers; use cases and new device forms; spectrum and key performance indicator targets; radio hardware progress and challenges; physical layer; networking; and new service enablers. Societal megatrends, United Nations’ sustainability goals, lowering carbon dioxide emissions, emerging new technical enablers as well as ever increasing productivity demands are introduced as critical drivers towards 2030 solutions. This white paper is the first in a series of 6G Research Visions based on the views that 70 invited experts shared during a special workshop at the first 6G Wireless Summit in Finnish Lapland in March 2019
  • Libro bianco: L’intelligenza artificiale al servizio del cittadino, AGID (Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale), 2018
    “Questo testo identifica alcune aree principali in cui l’Intelligenza Artificiale può essere di aiuto: nei sistemi sanitari, educativi e giudiziari; nel pubblico impiego e nella sicurezza. Il Libro Bianco fornisce uno sguardo positivo su come i governi, le loro agenzie e le amministrazioni pubbliche, possono servire in modo migliore sia le persone che le imprese migliorando i servizi pubblici e la soddisfazione dei cittadini. Gran parte degli obiettivi che possiamo raggiungere grazie ad un buon utilizzo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale nella Pubblica amministrazione coincide con il lavoro che la Commissione Europea sta facendo per promuovere lo sviluppo dell’e-government e della digitalizzazione dei servizi pubblici come parte integrante della costruzione del Mercato Unico Digitale: – risparmiare tempo e denaro pubblico fornendo servizi pubblici migliori; – rendere i servizi interoperabili tra Stati aumentando l’efficienza e migliorando la trasparenza; – avvicinare le persone ai loro governi, coinvolgendole maggiormente nel processo decisionale. Lo sviluppo e la promozione dell’Intelligenza Artificiale devono essere un progetto europeo e non solo nazionale. È un’opportunità che l’Europa, collettivamente, non può esitare a cogliere con fermezza. Abbiamo bisogno di un dibattito aperto e inclusivo che coinvolga tutti i nostri Paesi, focalizzandosi sul modo più giusto di utilizzare queste nuove tecnologie, su come rispettare diritti fondamentali quali privacy, libertà, sicurezza e la non-discriminazione. Questo Libro Bianco mostra come gli sforzi dell’Italia nel campo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale siano un buon esempio da emulare in altri Paesi, anche per contribuire alla riflessione europea sul cammino da intraprendere.”
  • Linee-guida in materia di intelligenza artificiale e protezione dei dati, Garante per la protezione dei dati personali – Comitato consultivo della Convenzione sulla protezione delle persone rispetto al trattamento automatizzato di dati a carattere personale (Convenzione 108), 2019
  • Solicitation of Written Comments by the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence
    The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (the “Commission”) was created by Congress in the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 to “consider the methods and means necessary to advance the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and associated technologies by the United…
  • TOWARDS AN AI STRATEGY IN MEXICO: Harnessing the AI Revolution, 2018
    This report was commissioned by the British Embassy in Mexico and funded by the Prosperity Fund. Authors (in alphabetical order): Emma Martinho-Truswell, Hannah Miller, Isak Nti Asare, André Petheram, Richard Stirling (Oxford Insights) and Constanza Gómez Mont, Cristina Martinez (C Minds). Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful to the Mexican Government, especially to the National Digital Strategy O ce, for its collaboration and for their time, insights and support throughout the process. We also wish to thank the many experts who generously gave their time and ideas to help develop the insights, analysis and recommendations in this report. These included experts from national, state and local governments; civil society; businesses and startups; and academia. These experts are testament to Mexico’s potential in AI, and we were inspired by their talent, energy and ideas. A full list of all those who participated is in Appendix 1.
  • White Paper on Artificial Intelligence: a European approach to excellence and trust, Commissione europea, 2020

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AI open mind

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Deepfake: l’oscura rete di bot su Telegram che viola la privacy delle donne

Telegram è al centro di una crescente preoccupazione per l'uso di bot che, grazie all'intelligenza artificiale, possono "spogliare" donne nelle immagini, spesso senza il...

Link siti Film Creati dall’AI: Una Minaccia o un’Opportunità per Hollywood?

L'intelligenza artificiale (AI) sta rivoluzionando il mondo del cinema, una realtà confermata dalla recente seconda edizione dell'AI International Film Festival (AIFF) a Los Angeles....

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Fahrenheit.iit e il potere della narrazione. Mercoledì 13 marzo, ore 17:00 in Accademia di Comunicazione e in streaming Registrati La narrazione può essere la lama...


I dati da Lei forniti non saranno comunicati ad altri soggetti terzi e non saranno trasferiti né in Stati membri dell’Unione Europea né in paesi terzi extra UE.

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Casi studio, contributi

AI governance: A research agenda, Governance of AI program, Future of Umanity Institute, University of Oxford, Dafoe A., 2017 Artificial intelligence (AI) is a po-tent...



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